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Arafat is Riding a Tiger

Published by The Sunday Independent, 17 July 1999 In an exclusive interview with Heidi Kingstone, Benjamin Netanyahu calls on the Palestinian leader to quell terrorism and explains why he will never share Jerusalem. Download this article as a PDF.  

Mental Health in Afghanistan

Published by The Big Issue, 23 January 2009 Mental health remains the orphan child of public health, and even more so in fragile states where health care systems are often non- existent or barely functioning. Psychosis and depression are still stigmatised, and governments of fragile states are often as weak as the whole country. Download this…
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Saddam Hussein’s Would-Be Successors

Published by The Jerusalem Report,  5 June 2002 With President Bush pledging to get rid of Saddam, Heidi Kingstone reports on rival and potential heirs gearing up to seize the moment.     Download this article as a PDF.      

Elephant Chickens

Landing in Kabul always rattled me, with the slight uncertainty of what lay ahead. But on the November day that I re-entered I quickly dropped my suitcase at my house, called a taxi, and headed over to the American embassy compound. Other Heidi, who I had met a few years earlier at an Anzac Day…
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100 People, 100 Places: Ahmad Chalabi

Ahmad Chalabi sat on the back of the sofa in the makeshift HQ in northern Iraq in early 2003, weeks before the impending invasion into Iraq. He had just come back inside the large house crammed full of people after taking a satellite call from Donald Rumsfeld, then Secretary of Defence, and part of President…
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Toppled in Baghdad, Clueless in Whitehall

Published by The Sunday Times, 21 October 2007 For the first time, the British general at the heart of post-war planning for Iraq tells Heidi Kingstone of the chaos in London and Washington. In early March 2003, as Britain and America prepared to invade Iraq, a casually dressed Tony Blair unexpectedly walked into the room at 10…
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